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Who is He to You? written by Bambi Lynn

Years ago, as a single mom I went to the bank and put Jesus in my Bank account, Jehovah Jireh, God will provide. The bank Teller told me the name couldn't be first on my bank account as he wasn't a physical person, So I had to make him co-owner of my account. She had asked me, why the name? My answer was I needed to be reminded of his word that he was a God that provided. I had just become a single mom again, with my first husband leaving for another woman and leaving me with four small girls to take care of and I knew I couldn't do it without Jesus. She was perplexed and puzzled but agreed to have my checks and account have Jevovah Jireh being seen in front and center.

I remember the first conversation I had with Jesus after my second husband left. I was sitting on the couch with my tears falling from my face, asking God how I am ever going to get through this? How will I ever feed my children and pay the bills? That very moment I looked up to heaven and said, you are my husband and will find a way to provide for my children and myself. I knew at that moment he would. The stories come to remembrance as I write that he never left me. There have been times it is down to the wire but, he does come through

This past weekend I went to my son's house for the Christmas Holiday. I saw this picture that I had given to them as a gift on a pile of other stuff that they either have no place left to put things in or they are given away. I read the names of God and was reminded again, who he is. I took a picture because I knew that The names of God would have to be a blog.

My favorite name of God,El Roi the God who Sees, I can't even imagine being in the desert because you have been cast out by a household that stole you out of your own home to be a concubine to bare a child because the woman of the house was old and didn't trust in the promises of God. She was jealous and cast you into the desert with your child and nothing to give to him. God heard her and came to Hagar's rescue. As a woman I have felt isolated and alone many times. I have felt the pain of rejection. I have experienced betrayal. I have been encouraged to know That God Sees, he doesn't leave us, and he gave a woman the blessing of naming him. In that moment she wasn't alone, she was reminded that with him, she will never be alone again. Moments in our lives we are reminded that life may bring us to broken places and leave our broken hearts scattered but, God Sees, and we are never alone.

The Bible tells us that we can speak to the mountain, and it shall be removed. God removes those mountains for us El Shaddai, God Almighty. There is no mountain big enough that God can't move it for us. No situation that we find ourselves in that he isn't mighty enough to remove it or help us walk through it. God Almighty is always working on our behalf and leading us through the darkness to the light. He is stronger and mighty enough to speak a word and to lead us and pick up the pieces of life. He is El Shaddai

The kindest name of God, that brings peace over my life when I say his name Abba, Daddy, the excitement as a mom or dad when Our child utters his first word, Dada is how God feels when we utter the same name in the midst of our pain and our laughter. Abba is endearing, it brings peace over any situation because you know Abba is nearby. In the story, The Shack, the name "pappa" could not be understood until his journey to find peace brought him to his wife's God and papa became his father too. When I say, "pappa" I am given strength that I never felt in my earthly father. I am warmed by the sense of belonging that I feel in his arms and am carried through the sands of life. When I see one set of footprints, I am reminded that only Abba knows How I needed to be carried. I see the face of a caring God who never leaves me nor forsakes me. But he is my father with a heart big enough to lead me from brokenness to wholeness because he is my Pappa, loving me through it all. His name alone utters peace to me.

I heard a sermon once on the passage in Psalm 23, how each name of God is revealed through the full chapter. He is a shepherd that leads his sheep. When a sheep denies her ewe, The shepherd comes in and takes care of the lamb that has been rejected. The shepherd will anoint the heads of his flock because they are being eaten and bit with parasites and fleas and other pesky varmints. The oil keeps all of those things away. Yahweh Rohi meaning the Lord is my shepherd. He will run after the one who has strayed away from the flock, The parable of the ninety-nine. Not one soul is not found and given the opportunity to go to the good shepherd, who will lead you by still waters and restore your soul, A Shepherd will die keeping his flock by night safe and sound from the wolves that come in sheep's clothing to destroy. The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want. I have no need to be afraid he won't take care of me, in his name alone he is a provider. The good shepherd knows his sheep and he called me by name.

The hardest name of God that hurts until you are done being made whole, Is Jesus is the potter, and you are the clay. He is a potter; he can look at a lump of clay and form something beautiful with it. The hard part is molding and remodeling over and over again. Staying on the Potter's wheel and allowing him to mold you. He takes the clay and fashions it with purpose and destiny. He gives it eyes to see and a heart to feel. But the process takes on a new meaning when he is taking some of the broken pieces and the burnt parts of your life. He is scrubbing the residue from the parts of the clay that were damaged, and he is fixing and molding something beautiful. The potter is gentle as the wheel is moving over the clay and his hands are shaping something with all the cracks and mishaps that have happened with the clay. The potter never gives up as long as you stay on the wheel. He also will gently lead you back because he takes ashes and turns them into beauty and crackpots and turns them into masterpieces.

When I lived in Buffalo, I had a Cross decal on my wall, shaped like the cross and the names of God that formed the cross. I was saddened when I had to leave it behind. I knew it would be taken down when the contractors came in to remodel the house for new buyers. I loved that cross, as I went into that room daily and read the names of God. I needed each one of his names and characteristics to penetrate my soul. I stood on the promises of God, and I declared victory over each situation in my life as I spoke the names of God. We are ending 2024 in just a few days. What better way to start the new year, the new chapter, the new beginning, than to call out the names of God? To need him and call upon him as we start the next journey of our lives. God hasn't forgotten you; he hasn't left you; He calls you by name and is looking for you to call him. Happy New Year, find his name, he is waiting

Allah - Arabic for "God"
Yahweh - Hebrew for "I Am who I Am"
Jehovah - Hebrew for "Lord"
Adonai - Hebrew for "Lord or Master"
Elohim - Hebrew for "God or Creator"
Abba - Aramaic for "Father"
Theos - Greek for "God"
Deus - Latin for "God"
Ishvara - Sanskrit for "Supreme Lord"
Brahman - Sanskrit for "Absolute Reality"
Shiva - Sanskrit for "The Auspicious One"
Vishnu - Sanskrit for "The Preserver"
Rama - Sanskrit for "The All-Pervading"
Krishna - Sanskrit for "The Attractive One"
Devi - Sanskrit for "Goddess"
Kali - Sanskrit for "The Dark One"
Ganesha - Sanskrit for "The Remover of Obstacles"
Hanuman - Sanskrit for "The Mighty One"
Buddha - Sanskrit for "The Awakened One"
Christ - Greek for "The Anointed One"
Messiah - Hebrew for "The Anointed One"
Son of God - English for "The Anointed One"
Father - English for "The Creator"
Holy Spirit - English for "The Divine Breath"
Alpha and Omega - Greek for "The Beginning and The End"
King of Kings - English for "The Highest Authority"
Lord of Lords - English for "The Highest Authority"
Prince of Peace - English for "The Bringer of Peace"
Immanuel - Hebrew for "God with us"
Jehovah Jireh - Hebrew for "The Lord will Provide"
Jehovah Nissi - Hebrew for "The Lord is my Banner"
Jehovah Shalom - Hebrew for "The Lord is Peace"
Jehovah Rapha - Hebrew for "The Lord Heals"
El Shaddai - Hebrew for "God Almighty"
El Elyon - Hebrew for "The Most High God"
Yahweh Sabaoth - Hebrew for "The Lord of Hosts"
Yahweh Tsidkenu - Hebrew for "The Lord Our Righteousness"
Yahweh Shammah - Hebrew for "The Lord is There"
Yahweh Rohi - Hebrew for "The Lord is My Shepherd"
Yahweh Roi - Hebrew for "The Lord My Shepherd"
Yahweh Elohim - Hebrew for "The Lord God"
Yahweh Mekoddishkem - Hebrew for "The Lord Who Sanctifies You"
Yahweh Shua - Hebrew for "The Lord Saves"
Yahweh Rophe - Hebrew for "The Lord Who Heals You"
Yahweh Shaphat - Hebrew for "The Lord is Judge"
Yahweh Tzevaot - Hebrew for "The Lord of Hosts"
Yahweh Hoseenu - Hebrew for "The Lord Our Maker"
Yahweh Elohay - Hebrew for "The Lord My God"
Yahweh Elohim - Hebrew for "The Lord God"
Yahweh Gibbor - Hebrew for "The Lord is Mighty"
Yahweh Sabaoth - Hebrew for "The Lord of Hosts"
Yahweh Raah - Hebrew for "The Lord is My Shepherd"
Yahweh Tsur - Hebrew for "The Lord is My Rock"
Yahweh Tzidkenu - Hebrew for "The Lord Our Righteousness"
Yahweh Nissi - Hebrew for "The Lord Our Banner"
Yahweh Makkadesh - Hebrew for "The Lord Who Sanctifies"
Yahweh Shalom - Hebrew for "The Lord is Peace"
Yahweh Elohim Sabaoth - Hebrew for "The Lord God of Hosts"
Yahweh Shamah - Hebrew for "The Lord is There"
Yahweh Eloheenu - Hebrew for "The Lord Our God"
Yahweh Elohay Selichot - Hebrew for "The Lord God of Forgiveness"
Yahweh Elohay Yishi - Hebrew for "The Lord God of My Salvation"
Yahweh Gibbor Milchamah - Hebrew for "The Lord Mighty in Battle"
Yahweh Go'el - Hebrew for "The Lord Our Redeemer"
Yahweh Hoshiah - Hebrew for "The Lord Saves"
Yahweh M'kadesh - Hebrew for "The Lord Who Makes Holy"
Yahweh Tzva'ot - Hebrew for "The Lord of Armies"
Yahweh Tsuri - Hebrew for "The Lord My Strength"
Yahweh Elohecha - Hebrew for "The Lord Your God"
Yahweh Melech - Hebrew for "The Lord is King"
Yahweh Channun - Hebrew for "The Lord is Gracious"
Yahweh Melek Olam - Hebrew for "The Lord King Forever"
Yahweh Yireh - Hebrew for "The Lord Will Provide"
Yahweh Ropheka - Hebrew for "The Lord Your Healer"
Yahweh Ezer - Hebrew for "The Lord Our Helper"
Yahweh Shaddai - Hebrew for "The Lord Almighty"
Yahweh Chashmal - Hebrew for "The Lord of the Angels"
Yahweh Elohay Kedem - Hebrew for "The Lord God of Old"
Yahweh Elohay Mishpat - Hebrew for "The Lord God of Justice"
Yahweh Elohay Avraham - Hebrew for "The Lord God of Abraham"
Yahweh Elohay Yitzhak - Hebrew for "The Lord God of Isaac"
Yahweh Elohay Ya'akov - Hebrew for "The Lord God of Jacob"
Yahweh Elohay Israel - Hebrew for "The Lord God of Israel"
Yahweh Elohay Sh'ma - Hebrew for "The Lord God of Hearing"
Yahweh Elohay Tzur - Hebrew for "The Lord God of My Rock"
Yahweh Elohay Kedoshim - Hebrew for "The Lord God of the Holy Ones"
Yahweh Elohay Tzidkaynu - Hebrew for "The Lord God of Our Righteousness"
Yahweh Elohay Chai - Hebrew for "The Lord God of Life"
Yahweh Elohay Elohim - Hebrew for "The Lord God of Gods"
Yahweh Tzevaot - Hebrew for "The Lord of Hosts"
El Shaddai - Hebrew for "God Almighty"
El Elyon - Hebrew for "The Most High God"
Adonai - Hebrew for "Lord" or "Master"
Abba - Aramaic for "Father"
Jehovah Jireh - Hebrew for "The Lord Will Provide"
Jehovah Rapha - Hebrew for "The Lord Who Heals"
Jehovah Shammah - Hebrew for "The Lord Is There"
Jehovah Nissi - Hebrew for "The Lord Our Banner"
Jehovah Mekoddishkem - Hebrew for "The Lord Who Sanctifies You"
Jehovah Shalom - Hebrew for "The Lord Is Peace"

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